A: Regent’s focus is on a classical and Christian education. It is accelerated because children are capable of achieving great things and we give them the opportunity to do just that. Regent challenges students and builds their confidence through academic success, spiritual nurturing, and rich, cultural learning. By the testimony of many Regent parents, the sense of community experienced within the parent population and within the student body is what sets Regent apart from other school environments. Parents find other like-minded families with whom they can raise their children, experiencing support and the love of Christ along the way.
A: One of the influences on the mission and philosophy of the school is that of Charlotte Mason, an English educator in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. She believed young children are best served by short lessons, short days, and a great deal of time under the influence of the family. Regent’s goal is to be effective in those shorter hours and leave plenty of time for children to act and play as children should.
A: Homework is an integral part of the Regent experience, even at the younger age levels. We expect teachers to teach the material and we expect parents to help reinforce it through an age-appropriate level of homework. Parents must be committed to this part of the education in order for their children to be successful at Regent.
A: Regent uses the Educational Records Bureau test called the CTPIV (Comprehensive Testing Program, 4th edition). It is used by approximately 1600 schools in the country and allows us greater discernment in evaluating the children’s achievement. It is normed both nationally and with other independent schools that use it, giving us a great deal of comparative data to evaluate our students’ progress.
A: Regent began in August 2000 with 61 students in Enrichment II (Pre-K) through Class 3 (third grade). The school added a grade level each year until pausing at 8th grade while the Board considered the creation of a high school. The plans include a goal of 48-50 students across three sections of each grade level. The first graduating class received diplomas in May 2012. There are now 243 graduates representing twelve graduating classes.
A: Yes. The arts are a priority in a classical education. Regent students take art from Enrichment all the way through the eighth grade. During the seventh and eighth grade years, students may begin taking choir and theatre classes. Regent offers opportunities for Band beginning in fourth grade. In high school, electives are offered that allow continued pursuit of students' talents in these areas. Art, theatre, choir, band, praise band, and photography are available options each year. Band and choir groups have recently begun competing in various tournaments and at the state level.
A: The athletic program at Regent continues to grow. At the grammar school level, various leagues around Tulsa provide the best venue for participation. Football, baseball, volleyball, soccer (boys and girls), and basketball (boys and girls) are currently offered. Students in grades six and higher form teams in order to compete with other local schools. Football, tennis, basketball, baseball, volleyball, soccer, track, golf, and cross-country teams are currently in place. Regent fielded its first varsity sports teams in the fall of 2009 in volleyball and basketball and competed in Green Country Christian Athletic Conference. After winning multiple volleyball state championships and soccer state championships in the Oklahoma Christian School Athletic Association, Regent opted to join the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA). Varsity sports now include football, volleyball, cross-country, cheerleading, basketball, baseball, soccer, golf, track, and tennis. Regent won the Class 3A Volleyball state championship in 2014 and was runner-up in 2016 and 2017. Boys basketball made the state tournament in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Regent also has individual state champions in tennis, track, and cross-country. Regent recently helped form the Pinnacle Conference in order to compete against other local private schools.
A: Regent owns its permanent campus at 86th and South Memorial. The campus recently expanded to include a new building, renovated during the summer of 2018, that serves as the high school facility. It is now a 31-acre campus with four buildings; Admin/Education, Gym, Science, and Rhetoric Buildings. A capital campaign is ongoing to pay for the newest building and its renovation. This acquisition is likely to be the last campus expansion, providing ample space for the anticipated maximum enrollment.
A: The board feels a strong obligation to be good stewards of God’s resources and to operate within a budget provided by tuition and any fundraisers or gifts that might be secured. Regent offers a high value by providing an excellent, classical, Christian education at a reasonable and competitive price.
A: Yes. Regent earned its accreditation by the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS), an Oklahoma-approved accrediting agency, in January of 2012.
A: Regent strives to focus on academics in the classroom and believes that children can be easily distracted. We expect the classrooms to be neat, organized, clean, and free from distracting material. We ask that every classroom be kept in that manner so that children do not waste their energies comparing classrooms or desiring one classroom over another. We aim for a simple and classical appearance in each room.
This is not a requirement. However, many of our teachers are or have been certified by the state. Teachers are required to have a four-year degree. Over 35% of the faculty have earned advanced degrees. They are also required to achieve certification through an approved classical certification program developed by the school.
Regent seeks teachers who:
- are gifted by God to teach
- are called by God to be at Regent
- are individuals that love children
- are individuals that consider themselves to be lifetime learners
A: Regent began its first year with 61 students in Pre-K through Class 3 (third grade). Current enrollment stands at 552 through 12th grade, representing approximately 307 families.