Summer Reading & Parent Resources
Log in to view/download the Grammar and Secondary Schools Summer Reading files, the Handbooks, and more.
Parents new to Regent have been emailed the login credentials to access this information. Returning parents should go to Family Portal/Parents Web using the button below.
Trouble logging in?
New parents will log in as “Member” using the credentials emailed from the Director of Admissions. (Please do not hit “Forgot Password” on the login screen.)
Faculty will log in as "Website User Account." Use the Forgot Password prompts and school email to reset password or contact the Webmaster.
Already logged in?
Access the secure Summer School Reading & Parent Resources utilizing the side menu bar (on desktop) or using this link from a mobile device.
Parent Involvement
The Regent Parents Council is responsible for promoting the Mission and Philosophy of Regent Preparatory School by providing organization and leadership for the parent volunteer committees. The Council’s objective is to build community between parents and faculty so that Regent may serve as an extension of the family.
Parents are given the opportunity each year to select one or two of these committees on which they would like to serve for one year. These committees are an integral part of the school, providing an undergirding of spiritual and practical support for students, faculty, and administration.