Varsity @ 5:30 - JV to follow after.
Varsity @ 4:30 - JV to follow after.
Senior Night
Varsity @ 1:00 - JV to follow after.
View the 2023-2024 Baseball photo gallery at rpsok.smugmug.com for easy download. Regent parents with photos to add, email to request upload access.

Joining the Regent's faculty and coaching staff in the fall of 2021, Bob DeCelle is a high school math teacher and Head Varsity Baseball Coach. In addition to baseball, Coach DeCelle also assists in coaching Regent's football program. Coach DeCelle has been selected as the “Teacher of the Year" at Bixby High School multiple times and comes to Regent as a very relational, accomplished and quality math teacher with years of teaching and coaching experiences in Bixby, Broken Arrow, Collinsville, and Stroud.
Coach Decelle played four years of college baseball at Southwestern University and was also a graduate assistant baseball coach at Southwestern University for two years. Coach DeCelle has been a head coach in baseball and/or softball at Collinsville and Stroud High Schools. He was also an assistant varsity baseball coach at Broken Arrow High School. At Bixby, Coach DeCelle served as an outstanding Math teacher while also serving as the head varsity tennis coach.
Coach DeCelle is eager to coach baseball at Regent and to lead the Regent baseball program. He is an active member of BattleCreek Church and a follower of Christ.

Coach Glen Haueter has provided spiritual leadership and mentorship to our football program and athletes for several years. He has also been a Regent varsity baseball coach, serving in recent years as our pitching coach and as a spiritual encourager for our team. Coach Haueter has great expertise in baseball as he has developed as a baseball player, coach, fan and parent. Coach Haueter is a treasured assistant coach and encourager that loves Jesus and Regent athletes.